Software Engineer at ING

Hi, I am Jiamian Liu (刘嘉冕) from Beijing, China. I am in Amsterdam now and work as a software engineer at ING.

I love coding and engineering. I got my a bachelor degree in Telecommunication Engineering at Southwest Jiaotong University. After my bachelor study, I worked as a software engineer in compiler at Datang Telecom Technology (China Academy of Telecom & Technology).

I got my joint master degree in Computer Science at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam & University of Amsterdam. My master thesis is about on how to extract relations between entities with insufficient labeled text data at ZyLAB.

For hobbies, I love cycling, hiking and reading science fiction. I am curious about every field which I don't know. Hopefully, we can share ideas in the future.

Jiamian at Mount Siguniang 四姑娘山, Sichuan, 06/2016.
Jiamian at Mount Siguniang 四姑娘山, Sichuan, 06/2016.